Planned Development

Processing Blocks

See also

issue on github.

The simplest Twisted use will have all processing blocks in the same process, much like the current GUI example but without the problem of the UI freezing when no data is arriving from the device. This mode is the simplest for the programmer and incurrs no cost for passing data from one processing block to the next.

digraph processing {
   WSA4000 [shape=box];
   WSA4000 -> FFT;
   FFT -> calibrate;
   calibrate -> spectrum;
   spectrum [shape=box];
wsa = WSA4000(host)
fft = fft_block(wsa)
calibrate = calibrate_block(fft)
spectrum = spectrum_display(calibrate)

Processing blocks will use Python interfaces based on zope.interface to describe connections that may be made from consumer to producer.

Consumers will connect to their configured producers only if they are not producers (e.g. a graph renderer) or if all their required producer interfaces have consumers connected.

digraph processing {
   WSA4000 [shape=box];
   WSA4000 -> FFT [style=dotted];
   FFT -> calibrate [style=dotted];
wsa = WSA4000(host)
fft = fft_block(wsa)
calibrate = calibrate_block(fft)

Multiprocess and HTTP

See also

issue on github.

Using multiple cores for data processing will be accomplished by grouping some or all processing blocks into separate processes. These processes will pass data with long-polling HTTP requests at the boundaries.

HTTP Headers will be used to indicate the type of data/packet being sent. The body will contain the raw packet bytes.

digraph processing {
   WSA4000_1 [shape=box];
   WSA4000_2 [shape=box];
   subgraph cluster1 {
      label = "process #1";
      FFT_1 -> calibrate_1;
   subgraph cluster2 {
      label = "process #2";
      FFT_2 -> calibrate_2;
   WSA4000_1 -> FFT_1;
   WSA4000_2 -> FFT_2;
   calibrate_1 -> multi_spectrum;
   calibrate_2 -> multi_spectrum;
   multi_spectrum [shape=box];
process1 = process()
process2 = process()
wsa1 = WSA4000(host1)
fft1 = fft_block(wsa1, proc=process1)
calibrate1 = calibrate_block(fft1, proc=process1)
wsa2 = WSA4000(host2)
fft2 = fft_block(wsa2, proc=process2)
calibrate2 = calibrate_block(fft2, proc=process2)
multi_spectrum = multi_spectrum_display(calibrate1, calibrate2)


See also

issue on github.

HTTP servers work across different machines without modification. Setting up a distributed processing chain across separate machines will be possible to set up, but will require some more manual configuration than multiprocess configuration.

Authentication between machines is outside the scope of this library.

Extending the process block deployment across machines in an easier way (with ssh, for example) is a possible future enhancement.